Big Kahuna
Hawaiian Shirt 1B
Big Kahuna

     Sometimes called "poor mans silk" rayon and spun rayon Hawaiian shirts became popular in the 1930's due to their brilliant sheen and being exceptionally cool in warm weather. Rayon is a man-made fiber but it is not considered a synthetic, because it is made from a natural product. Rayon Hawaiian shirts all dry clean well but can also be hand washed.

Big Kahuna
Hawaiian Shirt 1C Hawaiian Shirt 1D Hawaiian Shirt 1D
7A Island Woody
7B Trans-Pac
7C Guitars
Big Kahuna
Hawaiian Shirt 1E Hawaiian Shirt 1F Hawaiian Shirt 1G Hawaiian Shirt 1G
7D T-Bird Rebirth
7E Hawaiian Holiday
7F SS Fever
7G Elvis in Person
Hawaiian Shirt 1H Hawaiian Shirt 1I Hawaiian Shirt 1J Hawaiian Shirt 1J
7H Elvis Early Years
7I Elvis Jail House Rock
7J Elvis Jail House Rock
7K Hawaii - Maps of Isles
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Hawaii Kauai flower photos copyright 2004 Philip Greenspun